Principal Class News

COMPASS Calendar of Events

We are already half way through Term 1.  Time definitely flies when you are having fun.  But as time flies, so does the end of the 'honeymoon period' of the excitement of the year.  It is not uncommon for some students to feel a little lethargic and some may even express emotions of 'do I have to do this school thing everyday?'. It is important that we pace ourselves through each day, each week and each month.  We can all instil positive habits that help us during the whole term such as:

  • Healthy sleeping habits
  • Healthy eating habits including water consumption
  • Healthy mindset

What I do to keep myself motivated each day are the 3 M's - Music, Movement, Merriment. There is no better outlook on the day when you exercise, listen to good music and you have at least one good belly laugh.

I urge parents and carers to lead by example and promote a healthy stance of attending school each and every day.

Monique Corcoran 


Student attendance everyday; all seasons, all year round 

Summer is definitely upon us and thus a reminder of some important Summer messages.

  • Schools do not close at a certain temperature threshold during days of extreme heat.
  • We encourage students to be active and have time outside during Break #1 and #2.  Principal class will ascertain if a ‘hot weather timetable’ is required relative to UV index, temperature, probability of rain/storms and wind speed.      There are times where breaks could be shortened or Break #2 is inside.
  • All learning spaces are equipped with adequate air conditioning and ceiling fans to combat the heat.
  • Students are encouraged to keep well hydrated throughout the day.

We ask families to lead by example by being Sunsmart, including applying sunscreen as part of the morning routine and have a small container of sunscreen in your bag for reapplication.


Student attendance at school is a high priority all year round, so please promote attendance irrelevant of weather conditions.

Permissions and Agreements 

The school requires a variety of permissions to be signed or agreed to each year. This includes 'Photo permission" and "ICT User agreement" for example.

Many families have not completed these agreements for 2024. 

Could all families please action these agreements as a matter of urgency?

These agreements are found in the COMPASS portal under Payments Centre: Curriculum Contributions. There are 5 agreements to click and approve.  

* Please note at this point in time lots of families have not given photo consent on Compass thus meaning we are unable to post photos taken during specialist classes and at school events. 

Child Safe: Standard 7: Strategies to promote child participation and empowerment

The Orange Door (replacing Child FIRST)

The Orange Door has replaced Child FIRST in providing children, young people and families easier access to the services they need.

The Orange Door is now the access point to services for:

  • women, children and young people experiencing family violence
  • families who need assistance with the care and wellbeing of children.

Factors that may affect a child's safety, stability or development are:

  • significant parenting problems
  • serious family conflict including family breakdown
  • a family member's physical or mental illness, substance abuse, disability or bereavement
  • families that are isolated, unsupported or young
  • significant social or economic disadvantage.

Referrals to The Orange Door

Anyone with a concern for a child or family wellbeing can make a referral to The Orange Door. You can refer vulnerable children, young people (0 to 17 years) and their families, including families with an unborn child.

Support programs include:

  • Family Services
  • Early Parenting Centre Services.

Find an Orange Door

For a list of The Orange Door services and their phone numbers, visit their Find a service page.

Visit The Orange Door website.

Child Protection

Contact Child Protection if you have reasonable grounds for believing a child has suffered or is suffering significant harm.