We are here for the community

School Council met on Wednesday 28th 

February 2024 online.  Some notables discussion points include: 

  • Election of Office Bearers
  • Welcoming of new members
  • Presentation of 2024 Annual Implementation Plan
  • Stage #1 Homework Policy consultation 
  • Getting to know you attendance statistics
  • NAPLAN dates and preparation
  • TheirCare January Holiday period update
  • Student Attendance Action Plan
  • Child Safe annual induction 
  • Privacy Impact Assessments endorsements
  • Finance start of year motions
  • Buildings and Grounds updates including current projects
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Grant application 

Congratulations to the following members voted in as Office Bearers:

  • President:  John Barbaressos
  • Vice President - Kirralea Bridges
  • Treasurer - Kate Corbett
  • Secretary - Jodi Price and Fancy Nischal
  • Fancy Nischal 
  • Alicia Ryan-Peek  
  • Stefanie Prendagast


School Councils could not function without the dedication and commitment from parent members.  Thank you to those exiting or retiring School Council members:

  • Jessica Curphey
  • Natalie George
  • Cameron Dean

The following Finance Policies were ratified at the recent School Council meeting: