NGSC Newsletter

Issue 9 · 08 Sep 2023

In this issue

PRINCIPAL'S REPORT 2023 Key Dates, Just a little more about our school…, Multicultural Festival, Friday, October 20, 11.00am to 3.00pm, Support your child's education with 12 months free internet at home.,  Working together with our parents and guardians. “It takes a village to raise a child…”, Scholarship Program - Year 7 intake 2024 
ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS, Year 12 Final Days, Book Lists, Year 10 to 11 Subject Confirmation     , Curriculum Day - Berry Street Training
MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWS Progress Reports 
SENIOR SCHOOL NEWS Finishing Line, Practice Exams September school holidays, VCE VM Interviews, Year 12 Jumpers, Year 12 Camp 2024, A reminder to stay present
OTHER SCHOOL NEWS Multicultural Committee News , Book Week, Father’s Day Stall, GAWS BBQ Lunch, Senior National eSports Super Smash Brothers @ NGSC
CAREERS NEWS 2023 Careers and Pathways Teams, Some Great Information Regarding Applying for an Apprenticeship or Traineeship
STUDENT WELLBEING Student Wellbeing Services, Doctors in Secondary Schools, The Geelong Project, Breakfast Club, Lunchtime Activities , Financial Support, Accessing Centrelink , Key Support Contacts , Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub (North Geelong) , NGSC Website, FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, PARENT  EDUCATION EVENTS - Term 4, 2023 
COMMUNITY NEWS Second Hand Uniforms and Text Books, Local Support Services, Barwon Health Immunisation Centres and Hours
VSL SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES Victorian School of Languages

Published by North Geelong Secondary College