Vera Dudas
Multicultural Community Liaison Officer
Multicultural Committee News
Our busy term three concluded with the last Multicultural Committee Meeting on Monday 28th August. We had a very productive discussion, and we all cemented our plans for the spectacular opening ceremony for the upcoming Multicultural Festival (20th October).
Lots of hard work and planning goes into our Multicultural Festival and this year’s NGSC Event Coordinator, Ms. Suzanne Henry has been hard at work since the beginning of the school year together with committee members and NGSC staff including myself. Each year our Festival keeps getting better and better and this year we expect to elevate it even higher!
We are seeking participants for our traditional culinary cooking 'show and tell' demonstrations. If you are happy, able and willing to take part - we would be glad to hear from you! Feel free to contact me, Mrs Dudas, Ms Henry our Event Coordinator, or any of the Multicultural Committee Members. You can also drop into our next meeting on Monday, October 9 at 12.45pm in the conference room. We would really love your assistance and representation of traditional cooking skills from around the globe. Feel free to contact us at the school with any ideas you may be able to help with. Please ring 5240 5800 and ask for Vera Dudas so I know you are coming. The Multicultural Committee values any input from the NGSC school community.
We are seeking your support for our famed "Cake Stall’’ at the Multicultural Festival. With the holidays coming up, we hope you will have some time to search and maybe dust off some family recipes and do some practise baking of your favourite traditional recipes of cakes or sweet treats. We know that you will live up to the tradition of our grand cake stall. It is the best cake stall in Geelong!
We are endeavouring to create a wonderful Festive day for the NGSC and the wider community, providing entertainment, loads of fun activities, rides, workshops, world cuisine, market stalls and SO much more. We really hope you will be part of the 2023 Multicultural Festival Celebration as it is sure to make a great day for all and don’t forget to mark the 20th of October in your calendar - a day not to be missed!
Dear Parents/Guardians, Staff, Students and Friends,
The fabulous and famous NGSC Multicultural Festival Cake Stall is happening again! But we can only maintain our fabulous reputation if our wonderful families bake cakes/slices/muffins/sweets and send/bring them along for the Multicultural Festival. We will be selling them throughout the day on Friday 20 October at North Geelong Secondary College once again!
The cakes will need to be at school by 10am sharp (on the day). It is OK to send them with the students. If you think you can help, please let us know! Due to health regulations regarding allergies etc., could you attach a list of ingredients (NOT the recipe!) with the goods. The following forms will be available from members of the Multicultural Committee or Mrs Dudas, Ms Carolyn Kent, Mrs Walters and Ms Dridan and /or will be located at the front office and in the staffroom.
Blake Fairchild
Year 8 Assistant Coordinator
Debating/Public Speaking and SRC Coordinator
Book Week
Book Week was celebrated by the Academic SRC through activities such as book cover and bookmark designing, a short story competition and a character dress up day for Youth Homelessness. We had a lot of engagement with many students taking part in these activities. Overall, $848.90 was raised for the VCE-VM students to purchase items for young people who are homeless.
Father’s Day Stall
The Community and Culture SRC organised a Father’s Day stall on Friday 1 September filled with gifts for the students to purchase. Gifts ranged from shower kits to hats and painted mugs It was fantastic to see so many students engaged and participate.
On Friday 1 September students from Mr Scott’s VCE-VM PDS class were fundraising for GAWS. This was achieved through both donations from staff and a fundraising BBQ. The BBQ was a massive hit, with everything selling out. $407.80 raised for a good cause. Well done to all involved.
Sophia Harris
Digital Technologies
Senior National eSports Super Smash Brothers @ NGSC
The platform that we have been following for eSports here at North Geelong Secondary College, is the FUSE cup. The Fuse cup is an international and national school esports competition that is focused on providing young students with an opportunity to participate in safe, inclusive, supportive and structured school-based esports competition while developing positive gaming behaviours and digital wellbeing.
Our students from Year 9 & 10 practise Super Smash Brothers during Thursday lunchtimes. From this we have been able to choose one team of 4 players. The students competed on Tuesday 29 August against other schools across Australia. They represented our school with great gamesmanship, and skill. We had two of our four players in the top 8 and one player, Kade Harrison, competed in the Semi -Final.
The end result was North Geelong Secondary College 3rd in Australia.
Senior Smash Brother eSport team: Josh Williams, Andrew Habraken, Zander Bartolo, Kade Harrison.
The senior Schools competing where:
Calvary CC (Springwood QLD) 4 Players | Christian Brothers College (Adelaide SA) 4 Players | North Geelong Secondary College (Geelong VIC) 4 Players | Servite College (Tuart Hill WA) 4 Players |
St Brendan’s College (Yeppoon QLD) 4 Players | St Catherine’s (Sidney NSW) 4 Players | Swan Valley (Ipswich QLD) 8 Players
| Thornlie SHS (Thornlie WA) 4 Players