Paul Dawson Bradley Headlam Sarah Bridges
Brad Smallman Ryan Mills
Acting Assistant Principals
Next week will see the completion of Term 3 Period 5 will not run to allow for the early finish. We would like to thank all members of the NGSC community for their diligence this term and for a safe holiday break.
Year 12 Final Days
Below are some important dates coming up for our Year 12 students:
Vocational Major (V.M.) COMPLETION
Year 12 V.M. students will be finishing off assignments and preparing for their exit interviews that are due early Term 4. They will then be endeavouring to enter the workforce with many having already lined up positions.
The compulsory VCAA preparation exams will continue as planned for the second week of the holidays. These exams will help ensure you attain the best possible results for your VCAA exams, and all ATAR SCORED students must attend. The timetable has been shared with all students. These exams are an important tool in providing you and the students with an understanding of their progress and the areas of study that will need a greater focus in the coming weeks.
School-based revision program - Unit 3-4 VCE students will remain at school until they have completed their final exam. This schedule is designed to ensure students receive an exam score that reflects their ability. Some students will be absent on the day of their other exams, so this will be a good time for students to individually, or in smaller groups, prepare for exams with your support and guidance. Students who have spares will be given dedicated workspaces where they can prepare for their exams.
Book Lists
The Year 10 and 11 students will receive their book lists early in Term 4. The reason for the early return is that students can receive their books in early November ready for the beginning of the 2023 Year 11 and 12 Orientation Programs during November. If students are going to start their senior schooling on the right foot then it is vitally important that they have all of the materials including their textbooks. Their 2022 schooling will begin the first day of Orientation week.
Years 7 to 10 will receive their book lists later in the term ready for distribution early next year (January 2024).
Year 10 to 11 Subject Confirmation
The School Operations team is currently working on creating a timetable for 2024. We anticipate being able to share confirmed subjects early in Term 4 for students to observe.
Part of the process is to reflect on performance against the goals set previously and consider the readiness for such a program. The Sub School teams will liaise with families to discuss this and check in to confirm some subjects.
If there is a pathway change, there may be some room to make swaps of subjects in line with the new pathway. The process will be communicated by the Sub School for swapping, but it is believed to be occurring during the first week of Term 4. Subject swaps will be based on capacity, pathway and interest. It should also be noted that as we get closer to the end of the year the opportunity for swapping diminishes.
Curriculum Day - Berry Street Training
On Wednesday 31st August staff undertook the second day of Berry Street training during Curriculum Day. The day focused on the impact positive relationships can have on student learning and engagement. Day three and four of Berry Street training will be held in the final weeks of Term 4.