Daniel Grozdanovski
Middle Sub School Manager
We are approaching the end of a very busy Term 3 that continues to fly on by with only one term remaining. A term that stretched over ten weeks which was full of careers-based information moving into next year and beyond. Our students have applied themselves to their learning and have been motivated by some of their career choices to continue striving for their best.
We encourage students to keep working hard all the way through until the end of term, continually attending school and wearing the correct uniform before they take a well-deserved break.
Progress Reports
We encourage students and parents to make sure they look over their progress reports. Our progress reports give the opportunity to monitor progress in each of their subjects. Attendance is such an important factor in the success of each student in the classroom and this is reflected in our school reports. Students need to be here at school and in the classroom to access their learning and be supported by their classroom teachers.
I would like to congratulate the following students on their recent progress reports. Some of these students have also been acknowledged for their excellence in our upcoming rewards excursion to Oz Tenpin Bowling for their continued hard work.
Year 9
Lincoln Clarke
Chelsea Kilgower
Monica Paponjak
Harry Farrell-Bradbury
Byron Deller
Maria Pagtolon-An
Bailey Treadway
Regina Waldock
Year 10
Leona Dopking
Hasti Astaraki
Lina He
Dayna Maring
Alex Tye
Eh Bway Paw Lan
Faizi Faqiri
Hamidullah Hashimi
I would like to wish everyone a successful last week of term. Have a safe and happy holiday!