Cranbourne South Primary School

Our school endeavours to empower teachers, students and community members to embrace learning, achieve their personal best and strengthen emotional, social and physical wellbeing.

Term 2, 2024 - Issue 3 · 07 Jun 2024

In this issue

Cyberbullying Cyber Bullying Facts, Facts and Stats, Online Presence
We are here for the community Improving communication , Complaints (or concerns) process, Child Safe
Principal Class News Community Forum - Wellbeing
Building and Grounds News Buildings and Grounds Committee, Shade Sail update, SAVE THE DATE:  20th July
Attendance Matters Term 2 average days absent = 11.2., Term 2 Attendance Data so far
Education News Year 1 and 2 Excursion , Assessment, Data and Reporting (Pupil Free Day) - Tuesday June 11, Semester reports, Parent Teacher and Student Led Conferences, Stimulating learning environment - exploring your child's interest
Specialist News Mini Vegie Pasties              
Cultivating inclusion Mabo Day (3 June), Dragon Boat Festival (10 June), Dano Festival (10 June), Ascension of Jesus (Orthodox) (13 June), The Hajj (Pilgrimage) to Mecca (14 June), Refugee Week (18 - 24 June), Eid al Adha (17 June), Matariki (28 June)
Awards and Celebrations Mathematician of the Week "MOW AWARDS", Writer of the Week "WOW AWARDS"
Safety & First Aid News Sun Protection - all year round, Safety at School Crossing and Kiss and Go
Student Leadership News Australia's Biggest Morning Tea, iSea iCare Excursion
Student Welfare and Wellbeing News Fathering Project Dad's night
Parents & Friends Association News PFA Events calendar, Hot Dot Day, School Disco:  Friday 14th June, Stall / BBQ: Friday 23rd August
Parent and Community News Douggies Dojo Cranbourne
Moral Purpose School Strategic Plan , (2024 - 2027), Values, Democratic Principles, Child Safe Communication , Policy involvement 

Published by Cranbourne South Primary School