Student Welfare and Wellbeing News
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respective Relationships News
Student Welfare and Wellbeing News
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respective Relationships News
Our next Fathering Project event is coming up on Wednesday June 12 starting at 5pm. It is a movie night under the stars, weather permitting. Bring something to sit on, something to snuggle under and any snacks and we will provide the movie and a hot chocolate. See Compass for details on how to register
Weekly Dad Tips
1. Be open and available
Let your children know you want to talk with them regardless of the topic. Always show them that you enjoy talking with them.
2. Stay up to date
With what is happening in their social life, school-life and other key moments and events.
3. Be open to their ideas and opinions
Young people are learning to be their own person and may have viewpoints that may be different from yours. Use questions that open up conversation. "What's your opinion on this?"