Student Leadership News

SCC- Upcoming events

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

On Wednesday, 12 June Cranbourne South Primary School is holding a Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser to raise awareness and support towards Cancer Council.


Together, we can help Cancer Council raise much needed funds that go towards vital cancer research, support services, prevention programs, and advocacy.


On this day, the whole school is going to be participating in the biggest morning tea. Students will be invited to share morning tea with the whole school on the hard court (weather permitting). Students are also encouraged to wear a splash of yellow.


To make donations, scan the QR Code or click this link and follow the instructions accordingly.







On Friday, 28 June, CSPS is holding a Crazy Hair Day to support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common inherited, life threatening condition affecting young Australians. For a child to be born with CF both parents must be genetic carriers for CF. CF is life shortening and there is no cure.


All money raised during Crazy Hair Day goes towards helping the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in Australia to provide vital support to those suffering from cystic fibrosis.


Please make your gold coin donations via QKR!  We cannot wait to see your creative designs!

iSea iCare Excursion

On Thursday we went on an excursion to see a litter trap getting emptied in Endeavour Hills. Not all drains in the Casey region have litter traps, only about 60-70 drains have them. Each letter trap can hold around 3 tonnes of rubbish and theses get emptied every two months.

Next we went to Frog Hollow Reserve to do some ponding and learnt how to test the water quality on the pond.


Litter Traps - What was the main thing that stood out to you?

  • Sophie - How much junk their was in the drain and it smelled like a toilet!!
  • Stevie - I saw a lot of junk food containers especially McDonalds,
  • Mason - There were a lot of water bottles and cans. 

What was your favorite activity?

  • Sophie - I loved the ponding, the macro-invertebrates we were searching for were really cool. We learnt that they are an indicator of how healthy the water is.
  • Violet - I enjoyed the ponding we got to use these cool homemade scoopers that one of the Dolphin Research leaders made from reusing old broom handles.
  • Mason - I enjoyed all the activities and I made friends with kids from other schools.
  • Madalee - Ponding was so much fun, we found lots of different critters and then had to identify them on an identification card.

Sophie, Madalee, Stevie, Violet, Mason.

2024 iSea iCare Ambassadors