Education News


Year 1 and 2 Excursion 

On Tuesay 2A and 2B went on an excursion to Rippon Lea Estate. The first thing we did upon arriving at Rippon Lea Estate was to meet our helpful guide Bronwyn and Janine. Next, after we ate our snack our ativities began. the first one was the games. Then we did lots and lots of games. It was really fun. After that we went on a mansion tour. We learnt about the past. We went in the kids and adults bedroom. It was cool! We went on a hunt. We went to lots of cool places. We saw a lake. Finally we learnt how to be a servant. We also got wet! We did the dishes. Then we went back to school. 

By Ava 2B

First we went on a school bus to Rippon Lea Estate. When we got there the guides were Bronwyn and Janine. Next we ate our snack (its was yummy!). After we ate snack the games began. The first game was creature catcher. It was fun because you got to explore the whole place. Then after creature catcher we did servant training. Servant training was exciting becuse we learnt about how we wash clothes in the past. The we had lunch. Finally we played games. one of them was oranges and lemons. It was spooky. Then we had the mansion tour. We learnt that they have to wear fancy clothes at dinner. Then the bus came back. We hopped on the bus and went back to school.

By Bodhi 2A

Assessment, Data and Reporting (Pupil Free Day) - Tuesday June 11

The end of Term 2 is fast approaching and that means staff are compiling a summary of your child/rens progress.  On the Pupil Free Day, staff will be working at school in teams to: 

  • analyse school, team and student data
  • discuss varied assessment pieces and correlate all peices to contribute to the final grade
  • moderate writing samples to ensure consistency between classes/year levels

Semester reports, Parent Teacher and Student Led Conferences

Semester reports will be available via Compass at the end of week 10.  Parent Teacher and Student Led Conferences will be available in week 11 on Monday 24th June 3:40 pm to 4:50 pm and Wednesday 26th June 3:40 pm to 5:50 pm. 


Semester Reports should be read in conjunction with the Learning Tasks in the areas of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. These tasks provide information on how your child is progressing and past and future learning goals.


Student Led Conferences provide opportunities for students to prepare, reflect on, and discuss evidence of their learning and growth by way of student portfolios.


Student Led Conferences:

  • Encourage  students to take responsibility and ownership for their learning by involving them in the goal-setting and assessment process.
  • Engage families in rich conversations about student progress.

Parents Teacher Conferences: 

Parents who wish to speak to their child's classroom teacher individually can make an appointment through Compass.  


If families wish to attend only the Student Led Conferences, the classrooms will be open Monday 24th 3:40 pm to 4:50 pm and Wednesday 26th 3:40 pm to 5:50 pm.  


For instructions on how to access Learning Tasks, Semester Reports and to book a Parent Teacher Conference, please see the links below.


Stimulating learning environment - exploring your child's interest

CSPS  provides diverse programs for students to explore their own interests and to strengthen their abilities.

We foster and encourage students to explore their own interests in the following ways:

  • LEAPS+ - The Specialist program at CSPS offers students the opportunity to explore a variety of areas.  From learning about new countries and language, playing in the dirt, 
  • Break time clubs - A variety of clubs are offered during break times over the year.  Clubs can be initiated by Senior students or staff.  They offer a range of activities for exploration from coloring, drawing to trivia with Jackson.  Staff take suggestions for these clubs from students allowing their voice to drive the clubs program.
  • CALM - Through our CALM approach CSPS offers students many opportunities to develop skills and strategies in the wellbeing area.  For example: Smudge and Lego clubs. Students build up their strategies or 'Toolbox' for them to be in the Green Zone where it is optimal for working and learning. 

National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. 

Students in the junior school read the book Welcome to Country by Aunty Joy Murphy and as a class created their own Mana Gum Tree with decorated leaves to celebrate the Wurundjeri tribe of the Kulin Nation. They also learnt some words in the Wurundjeri and Taungurung language. Have a look at this website to learn some for yourself.