Specialist News

Division Cross Country

On Wednesday 29th May we had 9 students head off to Pakenham to compete in Division Cross Country. The weather was perfect and our students did a super job. 

Congratulations to the following students who have progressed to the Southern Metro Regional carnival.

Zayne A, Chase V, Maddix H, Sophie A, Ava T, an Elliot F.

This is an outstanding achievement for our school and we look forward to hearing how you go!

Junior School  - Gymnastics 

Foundation and Year 1 students have been taking part in a gymnastics program during P.E. This is thanks to a Sporting School Grant program which enabled us to have qualified instructors from AspiStars come and run the sessions. The students have learnt lots of different skills including:

Body positions - L sit, tuck sit, straddle

Rolls - forwards roll with and without an incline

Balancing - on the L bars

Handstands - with and without supports

Jumps - star jumps, safe landing using motorbike pose.

The AspiStars instructors were so impressed with the way in which all of the children engaged in the sessions and were blown away by their manners and the way they embodied our school values.



Year One 


Middle School - Target Games

Year 3 and 4 students have been playing different target games. These include Bocce, Mini Golf, Croquet (modified) and the Traditional Yulunga Games. 

In each game students had to work in teams to officiate and score, along with describe the P.E skills required for each. 

Senior School - Target Games

Year 5 and 6 students have been playing different target games. These include Finska, Bocce, Mini Golf, Croquet and the Traditional Yulunga Games.

In each game students had to work in teams to consider game play scenarios where attacking and/or defensive strategies should be used. 

Students had to discuss which games could be made inclusive to all skill levels and abilities. 

Yulunga Traditional Games 

As part of Reconciliation Week years 2 to 6 played games from the Yulunga Traditional Games resources. It was a great way to link these target games with ones which we have been completing in class. Many of the games have similar skills and strategies The games played were:

Weme - a ball rolling/throwing game

Apwerte - a ball rolling game

Kalkadoon Kee'an - a throwing game

Kolap - a throwing game


The foundation students have finished off looking at the zones of regulation and discussing their emotions and their strategies. For reconciliation week the students listened to the rainbow Serpent and watched the drawing of the symbols as the story was told. they were then invited to colour in their own serpent.

Junior School

Years 1 and 2 have been talking about the different games we play and how to  make sure everyone is safe and having fun when playing. We discussed using our Prevention 4 and having safe hands and feet. They also listened to dreamtime stories through reconciliation week and participated in a yarning circle. This allowed them to practice their speaking and listening skills. The students then created their own stories by drawing the symbols.

Middle School

Years 3 and 4 continued our discussion around advertising and the techniques used. We focused in on the use of colour to get an emotional response. The students then created their own advertisement for a sports drink of their choice, having to justify why they had chosen the colours they had. For reconciliation week they watched a sand art movie about the dreamtime story The Moon Man.

Senior School

In years 5 and 6 the students finished their restaurant menus and their health campaign videos. We have then been having discussions around what a respectful relationship is and how do we know we are in one? The students unpacked ideas around trust and kind words.

Why Worry Wally incursion

The years F-4 were invited to participate in an incursion called Why Worry Wally. This incursion is centred around a boy in a book called Wally and he has some worries. The incursion talked about how to identify when we are feeling worried or anxious and gave some great strategies for the students to use. Unfortunately the presenters lost their voice and so years F-2 have been rescheduled for week 10, more information can be found on compass.

Nature Play

The Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 students have been looking into the world of snails, we have learnt that they are gastropods and have just 1 foot. We created a class think board drawing and writing everything we know about snails and where they live, then we went on a snail hunt to see what we could find. The Year 2's have also been lucky enough to have another visit to Sonny's to search for snails and fungi.


This week in kitchen we made veggie pasties they are a nutritious and easy snack to make. Our focus was to practice dicing and the students did an excellent job. If you feel like making these together at home see the recipe below.

Mini Vegie Pasties              

  • Ingredients
  • 1/2  Turnip peeled diced 
  • 1 small carrot, peeled, finely diced
  • 1  potato, peeled, mashed
  • 1 portion of Kumara
  • 1/2 cup (80g) frozen peas
  • 1/2 cup (40g) coarsely grated cheddar
  • 1 eggs, lightly whisked
  • 2 sheets (25cm) ready-rolled frozen shortcrust pastry, just thawed


Preheat oven to 240°C. Line an oven tray with baking paper.

Mash potato with fork

Dice carrot, kumara, pumpkin and turnips,

Grate Cheese

Mix in bowl with peas, cheese and egg.

Cut pastry into quarters, fill half of the pastry with filling and fold in a triangular shape.

Use fingertips to gently press together to seal. 

Place on the lined tray and lightly brush with remaining egg. 

Bake in oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. Remove from oven and set aside to cool.



The Year 4 students have been busy planting out our garden beds with beans and peas, cleaning up all the leaves that have fallen from out fruit trees and of course pulling out giant weeds. In the classroom we are still learning about soil, this week we have looked at different soil types and participated in an experiment to see if the soil around our school is all the same or different in certain areas.


Environmental Science

The Year 5 and 6 Gotta Survive videos on Australian animal adaptations are coming along nicely. Students have completed some research and used storyboards to help them piece together each part for their video. The next part is is the most exciting as they will be using iMovie and VN to create their masterpiece!

Check out this link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fvyc2u3GzrD4inT4wuYPm-5t5CIV9YRK/view?usp=sharing 



The Foundation students were extremely excited about their first performance at assembly and boy oh boy, did they attract a record crowd!!

FB displayed their talents by tapping their sticks along to the beat and demonstrating their excellent listening skills by following the actions in the song. 

FA got to finish our assembly with a bang by 'jiggling' their coloured scarves. It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces and lots of energy. Thankyou to all the families who attended, you exceeded our expectations!

Junior School

The Year 1's and 2's were nervous and excited in anticipation of their performance at assembly. Some students who were very confident in the music room got a bit of stage fright on the day, whilst others flourished in seeing the huge crowd  watching them. It was a wonderful experience all round. 

1A- Ram Sam Sam

1B- Old McDonald Had a Band

2A-Cow Story, Upstairs and Downstairs

2B- Moo Moo Song

Middle School

Students in Year 3 and 4 have been practicing their performances in readiness for the assembly in Week 9. Year 3's will be performing with boomwhackers and a variety of other instruments whilst Year 4 students will be bucket drumming.

Senior School

The Year 5 and 6 students have finished their Dairy Rap songs and have been exploring Groove Pizza, on online music program where students create their own back beat. A few brave students will perform their rap at assembly in Week 9.


Congratulations 6B on winning the Picasso Cow Naming Competition. Our cow is now affectionately known as MOONALISA.

 Thankyou to the PFA for supplying the delicious ingredients so 6B could enjoy a special milkshake treat!

Foundation- Year 2

Sharing information online can be dangerous! Students have completed sorting and team work activities to learn about which infomration is safe to share online and which information is not safe. They have also been developing their keyboard navigation skills and completed typing games and wireless activities.

Ask your children about what information is safe to share online. 

Middle School

Year 3 and 4 students have been exploring song maker and all of its functions. Their task last week was to write there name in the grid and change the tempo and instrument, then copy and save to google classroom. Here are a few samples below.

  1. Sample #1
  2. Sample #2

Senior School

Last week the Year  5 and 6 students explored Code.org Music Lab and we loved it! This technology allows you to drop in music and overlay beats. We will be creating out own songs this week so we will upload links in the next ninewsletter.