Principal Class News

COMPASS Calendar of Events

During the past week, CSPS has required several emergency vehicles to support our school.  Always at the forefront of our mind is the Duty of Care of the people directly affected. The official role of the Principal as Chief Warden is to:

  • ascertain the emergency control point; nature and scope of the emergency
  • ensure that the emergency services have been notified
  • ensure the appropriate response has been actioned
  • convene an Incident Management Team as required
  • initiate evacuation of affected areas
  • brief the incoming emergency services and respond to their requests

The unofficial role is to stay calm and composed.  Communication is key.  Although each emergency was different, each highlighted the incredible composure, professionalism, attention to detail and genuine care for our students, parents and community. We know exactly what to do and the steps to follow.  CSPS is a pretty sensational school in an emergency.  Well done team.

Principal class

Monique Corcoran & Karen Halket

Community Forum - Wellbeing

School Council would like to invite community members to a forum to discuss all things Wellbeing at CSPS.  This will be held in the Administration Conference Room on Monday 24th June from 2:30pm.  Please reply by QR code.  We look forward to hearing your feedback to help make our great school even better!

The School Day at CSPS is as follows:

  • 8.45am Gates open
  • 8.50am Bag bell
  • 9am Start of day
  • 3.30pm End of day

Students should NOT be arriving at school before 8.30am.  A phone call will be made to parents whose child/ren regularly arrive at school early,  

TheirCare provides a Before School Program from 6.30am to 6.30pm.


CSPS recently said farewell and thank you to a very special person Lynda Gange.  Lynda is retiring from her role as support to our Inclusion leader in writing applications to support students with special needs.  Lynda kindly shared a letter of thanks that I now share with the community.


Working at CSPS was always such a delight. I absolutely always felt valued and welcome. Every person with whom I ever had dealings was so kind, helpful and friendly.  I sincerely hope that I was able to make a some small difference. Monique, I am sure you already know what a fantastic staff you have gathered around you. The vibe from walking in the door until leaving is always one of positivity.


Thanks again for supporting and encouraging me. Your school is very special.  I am going to miss our chats!