Parent and Community News 

We would like to thank the Corbett family for the kind and generous donation of Gaga Balls for our Gaga Pit.  The CSPS students are very grateful,

At CSPS we encourage families to pack a "nude food" lunchbox every day. We have seen an increase in the amount of rubbish in the school yard and neighbouring properties and we would like your help to reduce this. 

What is a nude food lunchbox?

A nude food lunchbox uses no disposable wrappers or single use packaging like plastic, foil or zip lock bags.

This concept has two goals;

  1. to encourage kids to eat more real food and less processed packet food.
  2. to reduce single use packaging and litter at school. 

Studies show that, on average, each packed lunch can create three pieces of litter totalling 30kg of waste per child, per year. That converts to approximately 16.8 metric tons of avoidable waste at our school alone!

Remember students who bring nude food to school receive 10 house points.

Thank you for your support and helping us to create a sustainable future.

Sustainability and Environment Team

Douggies Dojo Cranbourne

Cranbourne Fitness247 for children 6-12 years.

Contact Doug for more information.