Building and Grounds News

Buildings and Grounds Committee

The School Council Subcommittee, Buildings and Grounds met on Wednesday night 050624 and discussed present and future projects planned for our school. We welcome Steve Brayshaw as our newest member.


With the conclusion of the installation of the flexi paving and Ga Ga Pit and the erection of the Bike Shed planned for the holidays, the committee would like to focus on improving other areas of the yard. 


As such, we would like to forward plan for perhaps replacing our playground and will be asking for community input putting together some grant applications.  Does this sound like something you would like to be involved in? Please contact Mrs Halket know if you would like to help out with planning and/or writing applications. 


Shade Sail update

The shadesail over the playground that was vandalised earlier in the year has been ordered and will be replaced prior to the warmer weather (higher UV index rating).

SAVE THE DATE:  20th July

The Buildings and Grounds Committee would like you to save the date for our next Working Bee.:  Saturday July 20th from 8:00am.  Some tasks to completed on the day will include:

  • weeding and mulching around the school
  • repairing and relocating the wooden truck and car
  • realigning the goal posts on the oval
  • filling rabbit holes on the oval
  • working in the kitchen garden (repairing the shed doors)

We look forward to seeing our community members getting together to further improve the school grounds.