Cranbourne South Primary School

Our school endeavours to empower teachers, students and community members to embrace learning, achieve their personal best and strengthen emotional, social and physical wellbeing.

Term 1, 2023 - Issue 3 · 01 Apr 2023

In this issue

Principal Class News Compass Calendar of Events, School Review, Child Safe updates
We are here for the community Introducing members, School Council training
Attendance Matters Children who attend school every day and complete year 12 have:, What to do if your child can’t go to school, If your child misses a lot of school, Tips to help improve your child’s attendance
Education News Year 1 & 2 in the classroom , Year 4 & 2 Buddies, Term 1, Inquiry Learning - CULTURE
Specialist News Physical Education, APPLE - MANIA
Awards and Celebrations Mathematician of the Week "MOW AWARDS", Writer of the Week "WOW AWARDS"
Safety & First Aid News Cold and Flu season, Remember the best way to prevent illness is to wash hands and keep the germs at bay
Student Leadership News Easter Bonnet Parade/ Pyjama Day, ANZAC Day merchandise, Student Leadership Conference , Colour run and Cross country
Student Welfare and Wellbeing News PREVENTION 4, SAFETY 4 PLANS and the Road to Regulation , Sleep health
Parents & Friends Association News New Foundation Play Items, Colour Run Success! , Breaky Club  , Doughnut Day  , Next Term... , Upcoming PFA Events
TheirCare Updates  Term 1 2023
Parent and Community News Melbourne Demons Holiday Clinic, Triathlon Victoria - 6 week free program, Better Health Program - Monash University, City of Casey - Community Engagement Survey, REACH - Youth Resilience Workshops, Moonlit Sanctuary - Junior Keeper Club, Nude Food  , Dads Matter Family Campfire Night, iSea iCare
Moral Purpose School Strategic Plan , (2018 - 2022), Goal 1 - To improve learning outcomes for all students in literacy., Values, Democratic Principles, Child Safe Communication , Policy involvement 

Published by Cranbourne South Primary School