Parents & Friends Association News

New Foundation Play Items

Through fundraising, we have been able to supply the Foundation students with some outdoor items to use during break times, while they adjust to being at primary school with bigger kids on the playground. 

Colour Run Success! 

A HUGE thank you to everyone involved with the colour run.  Our community really came together to raise a substantial amount of money for our school and mostly importantly have fun together.  It’s hard to tell from the pics who enjoyed it most, the students, the teachers or the volunteers!  The prizes have now been ordered off the School Fun Run website and we are hoping to see these delivered by the end of the month.  

Breaky Club  

Monday, 3 March was the last day of Breaky Club for the term, so to celebrate we were very lucky to receive generations from Bakers Delight and Coles.  Sharing hot cross buns with our friends and starting our day off with a warm breakfast sure did warm our bellies!  We will back next term, every Monday and Friday from our new and improved space in the Student Kitchen.  

Doughnut Day  

On Tuesday, 28 March the students were treated to in class deliveries of Gluten Free, Vegan & very tasty treats to finish their day.  Not sure how man treats made it home, but if you were lucky enough to get a bite, they were scrumptious.  A big thank you to OMG Decadent Donuts for helping to make this day a little bit special.  And a HUGE thank you to Jess P for coordinating this treat, it was greatly appreciated. 

Next Term... 

The Mothers Day Morning Tea and Stall will be on Friday, 5 May so mark this in your calendars now!  Like last year, we will be hosting a Morning Tea for all the types of mums in our little peoples lives.  Followed by the stall during the day, where students can purchase some great gifts.  Vouchers to spend at the stall can be purchased via QKR and your student will be paired with a volunteer to help them spend their money wisely! 

As always, we will need volunteers to help make the day run smoothly.  Please contact us via the Facebook page, or email if you are able to help out at the Morning Tea, Mother's Day Stall or both.  You will need a Volunteer Working with Children Certificate which you can apply for online to volunteer for any events through the year.

Upcoming PFA Events

We want to let the community know of the events planned for 2023.  

Keep an eye out in the newsletter for updated details each issue.

1Doughnut DayTue, March 28, 2023
2Mother's Day StallFri, May 5, 2023
2Mother's Day RaffleDrawn week 2 of term 2
2Mother's Day Special EventFri, May 5, 2023


Do you have any questions about fundraising, events or how to get involved?