Principal Class News

Compass Calendar of Events

Of the past few weeks, we have personally seen and heard, genuine concern, care and empathy in the incredible role we play in educating our children. 

  • We encouraged students with NAPLAN, and supported their efforts, big and small.
  • We barracked from both the side lines and up front, no matter how fast or long they ran and how far they threw a discuss.
  • We actively engaged in meetings speaking openly, honestly and positivity about our students with parents and colleagues.
  • We apologetically hugged ‘our kids’, we supported them ‘at their level’ 
  • We lead by example in the manner in which student leaders host families on school tours, with an overwhelming sense of pride.

The positive feedback and accolades shared among you is genuinely like a family.

The giggles and funny stories shared in the morning at Kiss and Go and in the yard, starts the day with a smile and a laugh.

The old adage, it takes a village.  We are THAT village.

Monique Corcoran and Karen Halket

School Review

A huge thank you to the parents who completed the parent survey via the QR code. We received some valuable and insightful responses to the questions related to why you chose CSPS, what are we doing well, what are the last 4 year highlights and where would you like to see CSPS in the next 4 years? All of your responses are collated and are an important part of the upcoming review in Week 4, Term 2. There will be more opportunities to contribute in Term 2.  

Child Safe updates

We have had a number of minor accidents occurring in the gardens out the front of the school.  We also have had a variety of new plants that are being damaged. Could we please remind the community for children to stay off the gardens both inside and outside the school grounds?

A CSPS Working Bee was held Saturday 1st April.  Thank you to those who volunteered for this event.  If you were not able to attend this Working Bee, please consider the next one.  It is important that we all rally together as a community, to keep our gardens and grounds pride worthy.  Many hands make light work!

Put Wednesday June 21 from 2.00 pm on your calendar.  CSPS will be the place to be!  We will be holding our Grand Opening of Murrup (new building), with lots of fun and frivolity planned. Mrs Halket will be calling for volunteers to help host this special event.   More details to follow!