Student Leadership News

SCC news and events

Easter Bonnet Parade/ Pyjama Day

The Royal Children’s Hospital runs the Good Friday Appeal, supporting children and families in need. The Good Friday Appeal helps the hospital deliver the best possible care to patients.


For a gold coin donation (via QKR, students can support this day by coming to school on Tuesday, 4 April dressed in their favourite pyjamas. The funds will be donated to the Royal Children’s hospital. 


As part of this day, CSPS will be holding an Easter Bonnet Parade on the new multipurpose hard court area. Students are encouraged to come to school with an Easter bonnet hat so that they can participate in the fun. The parade will begin at 9:15am- all families/carers are welcome to attend the parade.

ANZAC Day merchandise

The School Community Captains will be selling ANZAC Day merchandise for a gold coin donation. Students will be able to purchase these on the last week of Term 1 and the first week of Term 2 (Due to the timing of school holidays these purchases are happening earlier than usual):

  • Monday 3 April and Friday 7 april
  • Monday, 24 April and Friday, 28 April

Merchandise available to purchase: 

  • ANZAC pins: $2

It would be greatly appreciated if you can contribute to this great cause. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact your child’s classroom teacher.

Please note, ANZAC Day merchandise donations are a cash donation only (not QKR) as the funds are given straight to the RSL.


Anzac Day - Mia and Lara 

On April 25th, we will commemorate Anzac Day. The School Captains will be attending the Dawn Service at Pearcedale to show our respect on behalf of the Cranbourne South Primary School community. At the Dawn Service, we will listen to community leaders speak, participate in the minute silence and we will lay a wreath as representatives of our School. If you have never attended a Dawn Service before, it is a lovely experience and a great opportunity to connect with your community, and to give thanks to those who have fought for our country. 

If you are interested, the Dawn Service will be at Pearcedale Public Hall, 45 Pearcedale Road. It will begin at 6:00am and all families are welcome to join us to reflect. 

Student Leadership Conference 

On Wednesday, 29th March - The CSPS School and Vice Captains (Mia, Lara, Giselle & Arizona) attended a leadership conference. They heard from special guest speakers and gained invaluable skills building upon their leadership at CSPS. 






Colour run and Cross country

You all know that the colour run was a couple of Fridays ago! I am so proud of everyone for participating and trying their best. It was such a fun day! I want to thank all the staff, parents and students who helped. Really, we couldn’t have done it without you.

I heard all of you encouraging each other and cheering each other on. 

All the new foundation students did magnificently for their first colour run.


We also had the cross country on the 24th of February. You all did incredibly. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t win, it just matters if you had fun. I also heard everyone cheering each other on. I love how you support each other. 

Congratulations to all the students who made it into district. That’s great if you did but even if you didn’t it doesn’t matter because like I said it just matters if you have fun! Again, all the foundation students did absolutely amazing for their first cross country. I am so proud of every single one of you. Even if you didn’t participate it’s ok. As long as you were cheering on your classmates. I also wanted to thank all the parents, staff and students who helped out in the cross country. Your support made the day possible.


By Samara H

(Banny House Captain)