Parent and Community News 

Mission - Our simple and practical service ensures that all students can attend school in warmth and comfort with a greater sense of belonging and improved self-esteem, which in turn enhances their educational engagement.


State Schools’ Relief provides support to any Victorian student attending a government school  on the advice of the school.  


Schools are able to submit an application directly, via our online portal, whenever they believe there is a need to support a student whose family/carers are facing difficulty in providing the appropriate uniform, footwear or educational items for attending school.

Situations include, but are not limited to:

  • Unemployment
  • Health issues/illness
  • Financial difficulties
  • Independent living and/or homelessness
  • Natural disasters, house fires
  • Bereavement
  • Domestic violence

All applications are processed within 24 - 48 hours and you will receive confirmation of application/s by email. Orders will then be delivered within 4 working days.

Please contact the Office for further information.

Melbourne Demons Holiday Clinic


Triathlon Victoria - 6 week free program


Attention all 7 – 12 year olds. This exciting program is for you and it’s FREE.

The Mov3 program is all about getting kids active! By using the Sport Australia Physical Literacy Framework, activities focus on developing fundamental motor skills that can be transferable to a range of sports.

These activities will differ between coaches and locations but will all include the key aspects that make Mov3 so unique! Participants will improve their balance and agility by jumping on two wheels and cycling around a designated course, while enhancing confidence in the water. Fun and engaging games that not only have physical benefits, but also focus on teamwork and social skills, will be incorporated.

Throughout the program, cognitive concepts will be addressed when explaining the drills and our coaches are always open to answering any questions for anyone who wants to learn – including parents! We hope offering this program assists in helping children form lifelong habits of healthy movements and a love for sport.

Upcoming FREE Program: The City of Casey – Cranbourne

  • PILOT DAY – Saturday 29 April (3pm – 4pm – Casey Fields Aths Track) – registration
  • 6-week FREE program commencement
    • Starts Saturday 13 May and concludes Saturday 17 June, 2023 (3pm – 4:30pm for all sessions)
    • Casey Fields Aths Track venue for bike and run sessions.
    • Casey RACE Leisure Centre for swim sessions.
    • Please complete this registrationto join in the fun!

      ** When you select to register you will first need to create an account before completing your details **

PLEASE NOTE – All participants will need to bring their own bike and helmet.

Better Health Program - Monash University

City of Casey - Community Engagement Survey

How do you currently engage with Council?

The City of Casey would now like to hear from you on how we can improve the way we reach out to you and seek your opinion on a range of important issues and decisions. 

Please complete the survey below to help understand what is important to you and how the City of Casey can best share information with you in the future. 

By completing the survey you will go in the draw to win one of two $250 EFTPOS vouchers.

The survey will be open from Friday, 10 February to Monday 27, March 2023. 

City of Casey Community Engagement Survey | Casey Conversations

REACH - Youth Resilience Workshops

Moonlit Sanctuary - Junior Keeper Club

Nude Food  

CSPS is a Nude Food school everyday of the week.

Please encourage your children to pack a nude lunch box.  They will also receive 10 house points.


Refuse before you reuse and recycle 

As part of our commitment to our climate action plan, we’re going to be rolling out an initiative to help people embrace the idea of refusing future waste, rather than relying on recycling. 

Our first mission – to capture the plastic bag monster! With REDcycle no longer taking soft plastics for recycling, we need to look at ways to reduce the soft plastics we purchase and bring home. If you want to get the latest info on reducing soft plastics, tune in here for this FREE online workshop.on Tuesday evening, April 4.

In short, we need to Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repair. 

Read on for more information and inspiration – plus planting plans, frog ponds and a focus on food security..

Join the Green Living in Casey Facebook group for even more tips, activities and ideas.

Dads Matter Family Campfire Night

iSea iCare

Check out the Casey iSea iCare Newsletter