We are here for the community

  • Next School Council meeting Wednesday 5th April
  • Wednesday 17th May, the 2022 Annual Report will be presented to School Council

Introducing members

I joined the school council because I wanted to get a better understanding of how things operate and how I could contribute to make a difference in our school community. And to have some input in ensuring our kids have the best possible education environment.  I’m really looking forward to this opportunity.

Kirralea Bridges

School Council training

Wednesday 30th March, School Council engaged in Governance training with a company named Synergistiq.  This was a worthwhile opportunity to gather together to further understand that crucial role that School Council plays in 'good governance':  Good governance enables the School Council to

  • perform efficiently and effectively
  • respond strategically to changing demands and educational challenges
  • strengthen community confidence in the school council.