
Something Beautiful for God

Term 2, Week 6 2024 · 22 May 2024

In this issue

The Fruit of Service is Peace
From the Principal's Desk... Congratulations to the Confirmation Candidates, Vinnies Winter Appeal, Farewell & Thanks , Welcome to St Helena's Catholic Primary School, Don't Miss It! - Paul Litherland @ SHCPS, Kindy Enrolment for 2025, Staff Professional Learning Day - Friday 31 May
Religious Education & Faith Life Confirmation
Important Dates Other Important Dates Coming Up..., Term Dates in 2024, Pupil Free Days in 2024
School Notices Winter Appeal, Premier's Reading Challenge, Kindy 2025 Enrolments, Scholastic Book Club, Running Club, Sorry Day Liturgy, Cyber Safety Workshop, P&F Bingo , Carpark Reminder, Upcoming Events
Early Childhood News(Pre-Kindy to Year 2)
Primary News (Year 3 to Year 6) Mental Math
Classroom News  Kindy Bilbies and Rosellas, Year 4 Geckoes and Koalas
Confirmation Retreat
National Simultaneous Storytime
Mother's Day Breakfast & Liturgy
Meet our Staff
Student Code of Conduct
Discovery Kids Out of School Hours Care
Medical Information
Canteen In order to keep our Canteen running we need volunteers to assist every week. This involves labelling drinks, assisting with over the counter sales at recess, making up sandwiches/rolls/wraps, placing completed orders in classroom boxes ready for collection, over the counter sales at lunch and cleaning of utensils and benches at the end of lunch. No experience is necessary and we appreciate any assistance.,  If you can volunteer for either the early morning (8:30am to 11:30am) or late morning (11:30am to 1:30pm) timeslots on a Thursday or Friday please complete the form here. Food safe training is required but these details will be sent to you when you volunteer., We appreciate any assistance you can offer.
P&F News Catholic School Parents WA News
Enrolments   Enrolments for Pre-Kindy 2024 & , Kindy 2025 Are Open.  
Parish News Sacrament of First Reconciliation, Sacrament of First Eucharist, Sacrament of Confirmation
Community Updates School Sport, Maggie Dent - Quietly Improving Lives
Neighbourhood Notices
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