P&F News

It’s been an amazing start to Term 2 and to the year! We have had so much fun with our Colour Run, the Welcome BBQ, Easter Raffle, Mother’s Day Stall and the 2nd hand uniform sale. We are blessed to be a part of such a wonderful school community!


All these events could not be possible without our wonderful volunteers! THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed this year to date, your time and effort is so very much appreciated and is the key for all of our events becoming reality!  If you are looking to become involved or have any questions please email pf@sthelenas.wa.edu.au or reach out to your Class Representative for more information. 


Onto some exciting announcements! This year our community has been able to raise an incredible amount of donations for our school and students! Notably, this has meant the school has been able purchase a whole set of Spheros robotics and Indi robotics (which it is understood has resulted in a LOT of excitement for the children). The teachers and students got their toy wishlist for both indoor and outdoor toys. There are now new dolls, costumes, wooden play houses, scooter boards, sand toys and a hammer & nail play set all added to our school classrooms and playgrounds for our students enjoyment.

On the horizon, we have the annual School Disco on Friday 21st June - further information and tickets will be available soon! We are also looking to create a sub-committee to support our Bingo event as part of our 25th Anniversary celebrations coming up in Term 3. If you are interested in assisting with organising this event, please refer to the prior communications from Administration to sign up here!


Looking forward to the rest of this year! 


Take care and go well! 

P&F Committee 




Catholic School Parents WA News

Catholic School Parents WA - Term 2 Newsletter can be found here.