School Notices

Winter Appeal

Our classes have commenced collecting donations for this years Winter Appeal. Please see details below for what each year level is collecting. The Winter Appeal runs until the end of Week 8.

Premier's Reading Challenge

The Premier's Reading Challenge has launched! Students from Pre-K to Year Six are encouraged to sign up for the challenge. Contenders need to simply log each book they read between 6 May to 6 September to be eligible to be in the running for prizes and awards. If you are having difficulty logging books or signing up please speak to Mrs Rocca in the Library (Tuesdays and Thursday) or Miss Myles who are happy to help!


110 Winners are drawn each week, with every book logged being an entry so get reading!

Kindy 2025 Enrolments

If your child is born between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021 they can start Kindy in 2025. We have commenced our placement interviews so please contact Admin on or 9297 7500 to receive an application pack.

Scholastic Book Club

Book Club has arrived! Look out for your copy of Book Club coming home in your child's schoolbag! It's packed with hundreds of books from just $3.00 to help you on your child's reading journey.

Running Club

Sorry Day Liturgy

Cyber Safety Workshop

P&F Bingo 

Carpark Reminder

Access via the carpark gate and front pedestrian gate commences at 2:15pm daily. 


Parents/caregivers who are parking to collect their children please do not arrive earlier than 2:15pm and to please use the bays with white lines. 


Queuing outside the school gates and parking on verges may incur fines from the City of Swan.


To alleviate congestion through the carpark and surrounding streets we ask parents to not arrive in the Kiss and Ride before 2:40pm as this prevents Pre-Kindy and Kindy parents/caregivers who need to park to collect their children from being able to access vacate parking spots. You may be asked to move out of the Kiss and Ride if you arrive before this time. We ask that vehicles are not left unattended or parked in the Kiss and Ride during drop off and pick up times.


When exiting the carpark at drop off and pick up time please turn left only so that the flow of traffic is not interrupted.

Upcoming Events

To keep up to date with school events please refer to the school calendar. This is in a new location on our school website to make it more accessible and can be located here.