Confirmation Retreat
On Wednesday, the 8th of May 2024, the Year Six students went to Holy Cross College on a retreat day to learn about Confirmation. When we got there, the leaders of the program 24/7 School Ministry split us up into a few groups using a fun game. After they split us up we watched a video about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, then we discussed what the videos meant with the leaders.
After we finished discussing what each of the videos meant, we watched a few more movie clips and had to decide which gifts of the Holy Spirit suited each clip. Next all the schools headed outside for recess.
Once everybody came back inside, we learnt about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Everyone had to gather their groups and we wrote down the gifts of the Holy Spirit and also a few facts about the Saints we have chosen for our Confirmation. The leaders put on a play and the true meaning behind the play was to try and be there when it was someones special day. Soon after, everyone went out for lunch.
After lunch, the leaders put on a second play about two friends that were looking for a campsite and they got lost. The meaning behind this play was that when you go off track, the Holy Spirit will guide you back on the path to heaven. The leaders gathered everyone into their groups to put the cards in the sequence of what is going to happen at Confirmation.
To conclude, we had an amazing time learning about Confirmation and what the gifts of the Holy Spirit mean, and how we receive them at our Confirmation. We played a lot of fun games with lots of different hidden messages that we had to figure out, and how they related to God and the Holy Spirit.
By Samuel - Year 6 Brolgas and Maya - Year 6 Emus