Primary News

(Year 3 to Year 6)

Mental Math

Mental computation or Mental Math is an important skill that students need to develop to assist them in daily life and in school. The Western Australian curriculum calls for students to develop and use a range of written and mental strategies for solving problems.


According to our students, mental mathematics can be defined as:


* Math done in your head

* Math that is done in the mind, quickly and efficiently

* Warming up your head with math

* To do math instantly, without the effort put into sums and processes

* Math that you understand so well that you don’t need to write anything down to find the answer.


But what can we do to help support and develop these skills in our children outside of school?


One strategy that you can use is to link Mathematics to reading and read a range of mathematical books that promote mental computation. Some examples of these books are:


""How Much is a Million?" by David M. Schwartz

This book uses imaginative illustrations to help children visualize large numbers, making it easier to grasp concepts of place value and large-number computations.


1. "Each Orange Had 8 Slices: A Counting Book" by Paul Giganti Jr.

Through vibrant illustrations, this book poses various counting and multiplication scenarios, helping children practice mental math by solving problems presented in the story.


2. "Math Curse" by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith

This humorous story follows a child who sees math problems everywhere. It integrates various mathematical concepts, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, making mental math a fun part of daily life.


3. "The Grapes of Math" by Greg Tang

Through engaging rhymes and illustrations, this book encourages children to find clever ways to solve math problems, promoting mental math strategies and critical thinking.


4. “Spaghetti and Meatballs for All! A Mathematical Story” by Marilyn Burns

This story about a family gathering uses the context of arranging tables and seating to explore concepts of area, perimeter, and multiplication, making abstract math concepts concrete.


5. "Sir Cumference and the First Round Table" by Cindy Neuschwander

This medieval adventure introduces geometry and measurement concepts in a fun, story-based format, helping children understand these topics through the adventures of Sir Cumference and his friends.


The most important part of any help with developing Mathematical knowledge and skill with our children is to make it fun and to keep them loving Matematics!