Classroom News 

Kindy Bilbies and Rosellas

To celebrate our wonderful mothers, we organized a morning of enjoyable activities in the Kindy classrooms. We commenced the day by praying with our mothers and performing a song that we had been practicing. 

We then were able to spend some time making biscuits with our mums, making and decorating a crown, painting their nails, making a necklace and having a photo with our mums. It was wonderful to be able to spend time with our mums at Kindy.

We have been learning about living and non-living things and have started growing seeds in our classroom. We've also explored living things in our talk for writing through the story of "The Enormous Turnip." Imagine our surprise when we found a turnip growing in our garden! Now, we hope to grow some enormous plants! 


Year 4 Geckoes and Koalas

This term, Year 4 students have been diving into the Age of Exploration during their HASS lessons. We began by learning about the origins of this fascinating period in the 1400s and 1500s in Europe, discovering why explorers set out on their journeys—to find quicker and cheaper trade routes to Asia. We discussed the impact of these discoveries on different peoples and the motivations behind these explorations, summarised by the quest for Gold, Glory, and God.

Our activities included creating informative posters, filling out graphic organizers on explorers such as Zheng He and Abel Tasman, and comparing early explorer maps to modern ones. We also focused on the journeys of Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand Magellan, mapping their routes and understanding the significance of their discoveries. 

To wrap up our unit, students worked hard on their presentations about either Columbus or Magellan.

Their dedication and effort are evident in the fantastic presentations they've created, showcasing their understanding and creativity. Well done, Year 4!