Early Childhood News

(Pre-Kindy to Year 2)

Do you know about our Little Free Libraries around the school? These are located outside the Early Learning Centre, Pre-K and Year One and are book sharing boxes designed to promote reading amongst all children. Children are encouraged to take a book from the box, and place any books they no longer want or have outgrown in the boxes. Anyone in our school community is encouraged to participate and help everyone foster a love of reading. 


Reading to children every day gives them a head start in their learning with studies showing that children who have adults who read aloud to them 4-5 days a week perform better than their peers in later years. Students who are read to 6-7 times a week have been found to have reading skills 12 months ahead of their peers! These differences in their reading and cognitive skills have no relation to their family background or home environment, but are a direct result in how frequently they are read to by an adult. 


If you have any books to donate, feel free to place them in one of our Little Free Libraries, and take a new book out to enjoy at bedtime tonight! 


More information about the research into the impact of reading to young children can be found here.