From the Principal's Desk...

Dear Parents and Caregivers


The students have been working hard this term! There is so much learning happening at St Helena's around in all our classrooms and learning spaces. Thank you to our hard working staff for all that you are doing for our students to cater for all of their individual needs. Parents and caregivers, thank you for getting involved in your child's learning journey and catching up with teachers when required. We continue to promote that home/school partnership and encourage open dialogue.

Congratulations to the Confirmation Candidates

Congratulations to our Year 6 students and all students in the Parish that were Confirmed on the weekend. We are very proud of all of you! May the Holy Spirit continue to guide you on your Faith journey and may you bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit each and every day! Thank you to Ms Healy and Mrs Bukara for preparing the students and to Mr Vine and Miss Myles for supporting the candidates and the Parish in the preparation of the celebration. Mrs Hannah Wager does an awesome job in the Parish as the Sacramental Coordinator. Thank you of course to Fr Bona, Fr Felipe and Fr Francis for Co-celebrating the Masses with us.



Vinnies Winter Appeal

Thanks in advance to all our families who have and will be sending in donations for our Vinnies Winter Appeal. Your generosity is very much appreciated! Thanks to the Mini Vinnies Team for coordinating and promoting.

Farewell & Thanks 

On Friday we farewell Mrs Alison Newman who will be leaving SHCPS to take up a teaching position at Holy Cross College. We thank Alison for her commitment to the students and school over the last year and a half and we wish her all the best for the future. 


On Friday 31 May we will be farewelling Ms Jessica Healy who will be taking up a teaching position at St Peters Primary School. Jess has been a part of St Helena's for over 17 years! She has has had many roles in that time, across the school and is to be congratulated and sincerely thanked for her contribution over all those years. We wish her all the best as she embarks on new adventures.


Fr Felipe is leaving our Parish at the end of this week and we wish him all the best as he moves to Midland as St John of God's Chaplain and Assistant Priest in the Midland Parish. We have loved having him in the St Helena of the Holy Cross Parish and visiting us here at St Helena's!


Welcome to St Helena's Catholic Primary School

At the beginning of Term 2 we welcomed Mrs Jade Martelletti to St Helena's as our Art Teacher for Pre-Primary to Year 4 students. Next Monday we welcome Miss Ali Doogan as the new Year 1 Kangaroos Teacher and on Tuesday 4 June we welcome Mrs Summer Durandt as the new Year 6 Emus Teacher. Thank you Jade, Ali and Summer for joining our team at St Helena's!

Don't Miss It! - Paul Litherland @ SHCPS


Kindy Enrolment for 2025

It was wonderful to see so many families in Ellenbrook and surrounds, interested in looking around our beautiful school this week. We had a number of families join us on a School Tour on Tuesday.


Enrolment interviews for Kindergarten in 2025 are continuing to take place. Families with siblings born between July 2020 and June 2021 seeking a place in our Kindergarten next year at St Helena's are asked to ensure that you have sent in your enrolment applications to Administration. We don't want you to miss out!



Staff Professional Learning Day - Friday 31 May

On Friday 31 May our staff are looking forward to participating with a number of other school staff in our region in a Workshop with Fr Elio Capra on the topic of "What Makes a Catholic School Catholic". A reminder that this day is a Student Free Day. There will be no staff on the school grounds on this day.



At St Helena's, we are a Christ-centred and a child-focused community, 

always striving to do Something Beautiful for God.


Peace & Happy Days!


Santino Giancono




Click here for a brief history or St Helena's Catholic Primary School, providing a Catholic Education in Ellenbrook since 1999.