Corpus Christi School Newsletter
Our Vision Statement In seeking what is true, beautiful and good, we strive to build a Catholic School Community where each is given time and support in learning to know, to do, to live together and to be. SOLI DEO For God Alone Corpus Christi School is a Child Safe School. We promote, the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children.
Issue 26 · 04 Sep 2020
In this issue
Religious Education and Social Justice
The Season of Creation, Season of Creation 2020 Prayer
From the Principal's Desk
Father's Day, Weird and Wonderful Wednesdays: Jump Rope & Olympics Day (www. jumprope&olympicsday), Weird and Wonderful Wednesdays: Corpus Christi Spoonville & Art Day (www.corpuschristispoonville /artday), School Banking, Years Prep - 6 Learning Conferences
Learning and Teaching
What’s happening across our Learning Communities?
Escape Into A World Of Books
Story Box Library, ABC Education, Scholastic Website, The Met Museum, Footscray Library
Student Well-being
Spotlight: , Year 5/6 Community, Topic: Brain Breaks!
e-Learning News
Stay Connected, Know the signs of cyberbullying, Updates to come!
Parent Partnerships
Help kids tap into their inner resources, Give them a chance to be resourceful, Catch them being resourceful, Encourage creativity, Develop coping skills, Upcoming Webinar for Parents, About, When, To redeem
Awards and Celebrations
Birthdays, September, Student of the Week
Community News
Bengio Bank, Mt St Joseph's College News, Emmanuel College News, St Aloysius News, Caroline Chisholm Catholic College News, Mt St Joseph's College News, Simmonds Catholic College News
Diary Dates
September, Sacrament Dates 2020, Notes
OshClub News 2
Published by Corpus Christi School