Diary Dates

2nd - Weird and Wonderful Wednesdays: www.jumpropeforheartday
6th - Fathers' Day
9th - Weird and Wonderful Wednesdays: www.thebigdraw
14th - 18th Learning Conferences (tentative)
Year Prep: Thursday 17th and Friday 18th September
Years 1/2: Monday 14th and Wednesday 16th September
Year 3/4 S: Monday 14th and Wednesday 16th September
Year 3/4 H: Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th September
Year 5/6: Monday 14th and Wednesday 16th September
18th - End Of Term: Students finish at 1:00 pm
Sacrament Dates 2020
- Confirmation (Yr 6): Sunday 26th April at 11:00am (Postponed)
- First Eucharist (Yr 3): Sunday 14th June at 11:00am (Postponed)
- First Reconciliation (Yr 2): Tuesday 27th October at 7:00pm (Pending)
Please note that calendar events as listed on the School Calendar are all subject to Covid-19 Restrictions