OshClub News 2

Hello everyone,
Whoa! It has been a long time since I have put out a newsletter piece talking about what has been happening at OSHClub. I know I have been slack but at least we have a fair bit to talk about.
Many of you may not know this, but Lynette (educator) decided to retire at the beginning of Term Three. From what she has told me, she
has been spending a fair bit of time with her dogs and completing crafts at home. We wish her all the best in her retirement.
With that said, I would then like to welcome our new friend Ebony to OSHClub. She has been an amazing addition to the team and all the kids
who have met her absolutely adore her. Please say hello to her when you are around and introduce yourself. She would love to meet you all.
Otherwise, our time at OSHClub this term has been both eventful and slow. We have an increased interest in science, the kids have attempted to do fireworks in a jar, color-changing milk and fake snow amongst other experiments.
The kids have also been hugely into drawing as well. We have a fair few budding artists within the program and have seen some amazing artwork. Their favorite medium has been watercolor paint, but we have also seen them dabble in painting, finger painting and whiteboard drawing.
We have also undergone a transformation of the room and more changes will be happening along with creating plans for Term Four.
That is all for now.
Milan and Ebony.