Learning and Teaching

What’s happening across our Learning Communities?
Year Prep
The Year Prep community has been learning to take away objects from a group. They needed to collect objects in their house and make up a take away story about the objects. There were many interesting take away stories from the Preps using toys, blocks and food! It was great to see the Preps using the language of take away for their stories.
Year 1 and 2
The Year 1 and 2 community has been busy measuring. They have learned about informal units and how it is important to use the same unit when they are measuring an object. They also have learned how important it is for that unit to touch as they measure and not leave any gaps as they won’t get an accurate measurement. One of their tasks was to use different objects from around the house to measure themselves. They then needed to use these measurements to create statements all about themselves. Check out the creative measuring units the children used in the images below.
Year 3 and 4
The Year 3 and 4 community have completed their author study of Jeannie Baker. They found out that Jeannie Baker has two purposes when she writes. She writes to inform as well as entertain. The students read a variety of her books and studied how she creates her images through collage. They then were challenged to create their own collage of their local area.
Year 5 and 6
The Year 5 and 6 community are continuing with their Campaign for Change project. They have identified questions they would ask about different issues and how the issue affects different people. The students are thinking deeply about their chosen issue. Take a look at some of their questions in the images below. The community will now move on to researching their issues further.
Well done on all the deep thinking and learning the children across our communities have been doing. We are seeing future mathematicians, artists and change-makers emerging. Can't wait to see what you learn over the next week!
Deborah Courtney
Director of Teaching and Learning