In this issue
HM's message/Slovo ředitele
HM's message
Christmas at ECP/Vánoce v ECP
ECP celebrated the start of December with the Annual Christmas Fair, A Christmas Carol, Christmas Bake Sale, ECP Christmas Concert
The Duke of Edinburgh's International Awards, MUN - Model United Nations, U18 ISSAP Floorball Tournament, Reading Havel, ECP teacher gives lecture at the Sorbonne, Selected for the Czech National Dressage Team
News Roundup/Souhrn zpráv
French exchange, Theatre Club, "Be part of it. Support Music!", Music Room Rehearsal Y2, Thank you for coming to our Open Day!
Student activities/Studentské aktivity
Amnesty International event
Visit to Hospic Dobrého pastýře , ECP students help at the the Military Hospital, Presentation at House Assemblies
The London Work Experience Programme/Praxe v Londýně
The ECP London Work Experience Programme, The East India Club, EHRAC
ECPN New Year Social Event , Ian Mikyska (2013), Martin Enev (2017), Petra Freddi (1998) interviews Martina Navrátilová, Patricie Fuxová (2010) Christmas song by Vesna, David Gaberle (2009), Jiří Valášek (2010), Nika Kupyrova (2004)
Future events/Chystáme
Calendar, Kalendář