Cecil Hills High School Newsletter
Respectful, Responsible, Successful
Issue 5 · 30 Jun 2023
In this issue
Embracing new opportunities
Congratulations Mr Sutton!, Congratulations Mr Chambour!, Farewell, Cecil!, School dates for Term 3 2023
The best school in New South Wales
Another great term of teaching and learning
Year 7, Year 11
Leading the way
Just Desserts - Year 8 Elective, Year 12 Wellbeing Assembly/Morning Tea, Deputy Premier Prue Car's visit
Celebrating success
A time of transition
Which Way Now? Year 10, Year 10 Dance, Year 7 (2024) Transition, Cross Country Success, Holidays
The Cecil Voice - Episode 4 - Mr Michael Lane
A final farewell to our Principal
Strength in numbers
Dividing the task, multiplying success
It's the little things
A team effort
The Cecil Voice - Episode 5 - The Honourable Prue Car MP
A historic moment
Volleyball success
Well done Cecil
Celebrating Freedom at Cecil During Refugee Week
From the Support Unit
In our element, So Scien-terrific, Belgenny Farm , Entertaining the Deputy Premier
Lighting it up
Year 12 Biology, Thank you!
Managing social media usage
Musical talents shine
Senior Students Perform
Winning - The Cecil Way
Absolute dominance
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data
NCCD (Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability), NCCD Further information
Speech and Occupational Therapy
New services available
School Uniform Shop
Uniform shop, Ordering online and shop opening times
Published by Cecil Hills High School