Wantirna College Newsletter

We strive, we achieve, we excel

Issue 8 · 07 Jun 2024

In this issue

Dates to Remember June 2024, July 2024
Principal Team Editorial
Learning & Teaching Music Camp , The Impact of Pornography , Parent Involvement in School 
Staff in the Spotlight
Senior School Unit 3 & 4 VCE Exam timetable Now Available, General Achievement Test (GAT) Tue 18 June, Early Start 2025, Reflection, Assessment and Feedback (RAF) Cycle 
Career & Pathways Year 9, Year 10, Career Action Plans
Year 12 Formal
Senior Ball - July 25
City Experience
Girls Netball Year 8 Girls Netball, Year 7 Girls Netball
Art & Technology Yr 11 Product Design, Year 9 & 10 Robotics and Integrated Systems Production Work, Textiles - Young Designers, VCE Systems Engineering, Hydrogen Grand Prix, Food Studies Excursion to FareShare
Performing Arts Important Dates, Unit 1 Theatre Studies , Unit 1 & 3 Music Performance Recitals, Music Camp 2024
News from the Library Resident Writers, Clubs 2024
Marrung News National Sorry Day, National Reconciliation Week, Woiwurrung Word of the Week, This week in Torres Strait Islander history – The Torres Strait Islander flag, Indigenous Garden, Deadly Reads, Koorie Beats, Culturally Safe Supports and Services
Student Wellbeing Three Cool Apps for Your Wellbeing, Don't Forget Breakfast Club!, Youth Support Services 
Parent Wellbeing Have you heard of Parentline?  , Seeking Textbooks & Laptops, Parent Support Services
CSEF CSEF Information
General Information General Office / Reception, 2024 Staff Contacts, Student Absences, Arriving Late to School, Early Departure from School, Year 12 study periods, Uniform Shop, Library Hours, Lost Property, Student Pick up and Drop Off, College Vision, College Policies, Wantirna College
General Notices Before & After School Yard Supervision, A New Name for the Health Centre, Lost Property, School Saving Bonus
Community News

Published by Wantirna College