Principal Team Editorial

Performing Arts

Last Saturday afternoon, I had the pleasure of spending some time watching students learn the finale choreography for our upcoming production of Mamma Mia, in August. The incredible commitment and dedication of students and staff was evident throughout the afternoon and despite the tired and exhausted faces and bodies, the feeling of contributing to something big and significant was palpable. Everybody was on the same page, working towards the same goal, encouraging each other to get the best out of themselves and challenging those around them to keep striving to be better.


As I reflect on the value that Production brings to so many of our students, I think of what’s been happening beyond our classrooms in the past couple of months as well as what’s coming up.


To continue with the Performing Arts theme, we have had a huge couple of weeks of Instrumental Music events beginning with the Showcase Week, the North East Victorian Regional (NEVR) Concert at Hamer Hall and, to cap it off, Music Camp this week. Last week, our Unit 1 Theatre Studies students performed their Shakespeare scenes over two nights.  At the same time, they exhibited their folio work in the adjacent rehearsal room showing the thinking and learning that is critical in understanding the world of the play they are performing.


Extra-Curricular Experience

In Week 6, our Year 9 students engaged in the City Experience program.  They travelled into the city each day, learned to navigate their way around and developed important life skills that are necessary as they grow into young adults. 


In the same week, our Year 10 students engaged in work experience with well over 200 students finding placement opportunities. This is the most students we’ve ever had in the program, and a testament to the great work of students and staff in making the most of such a valuable program. 


In coming weeks, our Year 11 students will be flying to Alice Springs to start their two-week trip traveling through the NT.   They will gain a valuable appreciation of just how diverse Australia is as they experience the Australian outback and have the opportunity to learn more about our indigenous culture. 


These extra-curricular experiences are the memories that many of our students will cherish when they finish their schooling journey at Wantirna College and these experiences will be instrumental in shaping the young adults they become. We are very fortunate to have dedicated staff who are committed to giving our students such valuable experiences beyond the four walls of our classrooms and I thank them for their effort, time, and sacrifice.  


3 Weeks to Go

With the end of term in sight, I encourage students to stay focussed on their learning and continue working with their teachers to get the best out of themselves. It’s Review, Assessment and Feedback (RAF) time at school and teachers are working hard to review learning, provide quality assessments and give valuable feedback to students to help them learn and progress.


Carrie Wallis
