NGSC Newsletter

Issue 7 · 26 Jul 2024

In this issue

PRINCIPAL'S REPORT 2024 Key Dates, Course Counselling, Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion survey - Monday 29 July to Friday 30 August 2024., Child Safety Code of Conduct, IMPORTANT NOTE TO PARENTS , NGSC Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy , NGSC Child Safety & Reporting Policy, Staff Recruitment 
ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS, NAIDOC Week, Sports, Year 10 Careers Week, NAPLAN, Parent Teacher Conferences, Progress Reports, Year 7 Immunisations, SRC Initiatives, Chinese International Short Study Tour
JUNIOR SCHOOL NEWS Welcome to Term 3! , Parent/Teacher Conferences, Year 7 Zoo Excursion
MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWS Boxing Program, Year 10 Careers Week (Week 3)                                          , Year 9 Gordon Tertiary Futures Program             , Parent Teacher Conferences
SENIOR SCHOOL NEWS Welcome to Term 3! , VCAA Exam Timetable, Year 12 Graduation Tickets
SPORTS NEWS Intermediate Badminton – Geelong Schools Championships, SPORTS SHACK
OTHER SCHOOL NEWS International Student Program, Transitions, Tales of a NGSC Staff Member ..., *REMINDER*
ALUMNI NEWS, Facebook, Linked In
CAREERS NEWS 2024 Careers and Pathways Teams, Year 9 Careers, Please find below a brief snapshot of the ways we support our students. , Some Great Information Regarding Applying for an Apprenticeship or Traineeship
STUDENT WELLBEING Student Wellbeing Services, Doctors in Secondary Schools, How to help a young person experiencing bullying, How to reduce stress and prepare for exams,  Understanding adolescence – for families, The Geelong Project, Breakfast Club, Lunchtime Activities , Financial Support, Accessing Centrelink , Key Support Contacts , Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub (North Geelong) , NGSC Website, FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, Financial Support - Uniting Barwon
COMMUNITY NEWS Second Hand Uniforms and Textbooks, Local Support Services
VSL SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES Victorian School of Languages

Published by North Geelong Secondary College