Rebecca Durran
Acting Senior-Sub School Leader
HAPE Teacher
Welcome to Term 3!
We hope everyone had a restful break and is ready for another busy term in the Senior Sub School.
Year 11 students completed their subject selections for Year 12 this week and our Year 12 students are gearing up to complete all their Unit 4 course work this term before preparing for their final exams.
Students may start to feel the pinch with SACs and exam prep being so close together, seek support from your classroom teachers, use you school planner to make specific study times and see your YLCs or Wellbeing for some extra support if needed. We understand the pressure that can be placed on you to succeed academically, take one task at a time and use your class time and resources wisely.
A timely reminder that your attendance at school it vital. If you are unwell you are encouraged to get a Medical Certificate and give it to Bonnie our Senior Sub School Assistant. If you miss a SAC due to being unwell you must provide a Medical Certificate to be able to sit the task for a score.
VCAA Exam Timetable
The VCAA exam timetable has been released and can be found via their website. We have placed a copy outside the Senior Sub School for students to check their days and times.
Year 12 Graduation Tickets
Tickets for the Year 12 Graduation evening are ready to be purchased there are 3 tickets available for students to purchase. One ticket for each student plus two guests. Payment for tickets can be made via Compass in instalments or please call the Administration office for further help.
Keep working hard and building your skills and knowledge to succeed in your subjects here at school and assist you in reaching your future goals and ambitions.
Brewster Hipik
The Yr 12 Literature class traversed their way to another school for the purpose of an inter-school literature day. Our NGSC students spent time with like-minded young adults at Point Cook Senior Secondary College where they brought food and drinks for a lunchtime supper while sharing and responding to each other’s creative writing. Afterwards, they worked in mixed groups to carefully annotate the short story, ‘Washing Day’, by Elizabeth Tan and then collaboratively produced a close analysis to share back with their peers. All in all, the day allowed them to, as a few students said, ‘make friends, eat food’ and hear from ‘supersmart, awesome people.’ From a teacher’s perspective, the day was a sheer success because our students epitomised our school values of excellence, respect and diversity. A celebratory shoutout must be given to Jaida, Bella, Charlotte, Shelby, Sarah, Jessica and Liam (who was there in spirit) for their willingness to venture, take risks and embrace new opportunities.