Bennett Thomson
Junior Sub-School Manager
Welcome to Term 3!
We trust the holiday break was a time of relaxation for our Junior Sub-School students and their families. Stay tuned for more information on forthcoming events.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for August 8th, from 11:30 am to 6:30 pm. We encourage you to book your appointments through Compass ahead of time so please do this prior to the day. If you are unable to attend, please contact the school.
This will be a pupil free day. If you have any questions regarding the day or booking, please contact the College.
Year 7 Zoo Excursion
The Year 7 cohort are off to the zoo in the coming weeks. The students will spend the day at Melbourne Zoo where they will work on a variety of different science related activities. It will be a fantastic day and always one enjoyed by everyone. Please make sure that permission slips, consent forms, and payments are completed, well before the event via Compass.