Ryan Mills Bradley Headlam Sarah Bridges
Welcome to Term 3. Semester 2 has started, and students have settled back into the routine of school after the term break. It has been a cold start to the term, and we appreciate the efforts of students and families to be in the correct uniform.
The College held an assembly for NAIDOC week and local elders performed a smoking ceremony. This year's theme celebrates the unyielding spirit of Indigenous communities and invites all to stand in solidarity, amplifying the voices that have long been silent. The College opened the NGSC Yarning Circle as part of this ceremony and represents the belief that all are equal, and everybody’s stories are valuable. All students are welcome to sit, discuss and enjoy the community of the yarning circle.
There are many interschool sports events this term. Students are encouraged to sign up and parents are asked to consent once it appears on Compass.
It would be appreciated if this was done well before the event to assist with bookings.
Year 10 Careers Week
Next week, Year 10 students will participate in Careers Week. Students will be involved in a number of activities, designed to inform them on choosing a senior school pathway that will assist them in achieving their goals, post Year 12. Important events that involve parent/guardian involvement are:
- Tuesday 30th July, 5:30 - 6:30 - Senior School Options and Pathways Information Evening. Information has been sent to parents and guardians via email and our NSGC Facebook page.
- Thursday 1st - Friday 2nd August - Course counselling. Parents and guardians will be invited to attend the subject selection meeting to support the students.
Individual NAPLAN results for Year 7 and (students have been mailed home. The information guide to understanding the results have been posted on Compass , in various languages, for parents/carers to access.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for 8/8/24. 11.30am - 6.30pm. These are a valuable opportunity to meet with teachers and discuss student progress and set goals. Bookings are via Compass. Please note that VCE Unit 3 and 4 subjects will be running as per normal on this day.
Progress Reports
Progress reports are due to be released, via Compass, in Week 3. These will help inform parent-teacher conferences.
Year 7 Immunisations
Year 7 Immunisations will take place on 20/8/24. Parents are encouraged to return the appropriate paperwork (this was provided via Compass) or a hard copy of the form can be completed at the administration office. Students need to wear their sports uniform on this day.
SRC Initiatives
The SRC recently held a casual clothes day - pyjama day- and raised over $700 that was donated to the Salvation Army. Well done to all on such a great effort.
Book Week: The theme this year is ‘Reading is Magic’. Celebrations will be held during the week of 27/8-23/8. Rumour has it that Mr Dawson (principal) will be reading to students during lunchtime and students and staff are encouraged to wear costumes and celebrate reading.
Multicultural Festival. The theme this year is “Common Ground” and the Multicultural Committee are working hard to ensure that we have another wonderful celebration of our college’s diversity.
Chinese International Short Study Tour
This week, we have a group of Chinese students from Dongyang Middle School visiting North Geelong Secondary College and experiencing some of the Australian culture. They have been integrated into some of our Junior and Middle classes and will also head out on an excursion to the coast where they’ll experience local beaches, mini golf and the Chocolaterie. Next week we have our second Chinese group joining us and we look forward to our students making some connections with students from another culture.