Mentone Girls' Secondary College Newsletter
The only government girls' secondary school in the south-eastern suburbs
Issue 13 · 03 Sep 2020
In this issue
Important dates
Term 4
Principal's message
Wear it Purple Day, RU OK, Referrals , Wellbeing services, resources & support, Online Youth Support Forums & websites, Online Programs and Apps
Mid-Autumn Festival
Mid-Autumn Festival
Science Week
At-Home Experiment Competition , Education Perfect Science Competition, Poster-making Competition, Year 7 class prize for undertaking activities, STAR Week
Languages Week
Kyaraben/edible food art, Communicating through emojis
Maths Fraction Buster Competition
The results are in
MIFF comes to MGSC
House & sport comps
School Sport Victoria (SSV) Virtual Track and Field Event, Bumper Stickers House Competition, MGSC House Leaders Spotto Competition
Chat with a national athlete
Do you want to hear from a current Australian Athlete?
Middle School News
Middle School Team
Junior School News
Lunchtime Kahoot, The Masked Teacher
Around the classrooms
Year 10 Metals & Wood - Design Technology, Safe Science
STEAM holiday programs
Space Academy Mars Exploration, FlipRobot Academy
In our (virtual) community
Safe routes to school survey
School information
General Office, Principal Team & Sub-School Directors, Compass, Absences, Late arrival - after 8.50am, Attendance, Uniforms , Assessment & Reporting, Library hours, Canteen, Facilities hire, Drop offs & pick ups, Student accident insurance, ambulance cover and private property brought to, Statement of commitment to child safety , Social media, Website
Published by Mentone Girls' Secondary College