Middle School News
We wold like to congratulate the Middle School students and their families for the amazing work they have been doing this term so far. As there are only a few weeks left of Term 3, we would like to see this positive work continue as everyone makes the most of the online learning opportunities.
We would like to remind students of the following points in order to make the most of their time at home:
- Communicate with your teachers. Teachers are here to help you with your learning, so if there is anything that you would like to know about your subjects, ask your teacher. You can do so via email, on class meetings or through Google Classrooms.
- Continue to be physically active. Students are encouraged to complete physical activity on a daily basis if possible.
- Eat nutritious foods and remain hydrated.
- Set up a space to do your work. It is important to try and set up a space so that students can effectively complete their classes at the scheduled time throughout the day
- Set a routine. We encourage students to set up a daily routine, which includes getting up at a regular time and ensuring that they are dressed and ready for Period 1 on time.
Middle School Team
Below are the members of the Middle School team.
Assistant Principal - Ms Carol Duggan
Acting Director of Middle School - Ms Amanda O'Hara
Year 10 Student Managers
- A-K - Ms Emma Colmanet
- L-Z - Ms Vana Dimu
Year 9 Student Managers
- CAFE - Mr Philip Hull
- ABDG - Ms Becky White
Amanda O'Hara
Acting Director of Middle School