Principal's message
Hello MGSC community,
I trust you are all well during this continued time of uncertainty. Whilst the school grounds are largely empty Mentone Girls’ Secondary College continues to be a hive of activity, albeit online.
Parent, Teacher and Student Interviews (PTSI) were held online and were very well received. Rochelle Dickson has invited all members of our community to provide feedback. This can be found on Compass Newsfeed and I encourage everyone to take a few minutes to complete the survey. I would like to thank all MGSC teaching staff for the planning and preparation that went into the two PTSI events, especially Rochelle Dickson, Jonathan Hall and Phil Pearson. Some of our staff were caught out when the storms hit last Thursday and showed resilience and ingenuity continuing their interviews by candle and torch light, and hot spotting on their mobiles phones.
There have been so many engagement activities throughout both phases of remote learning, initiated by both staff and our students. The evidence of this can be seen in this newsletter and our social media platforms and include the many House Competitions (go Kenny!), Science Week and activities lead by our wonderful student leaders. Each event has been designed to connect our students to each other and their teachers and I thank all who have been involved.
Our Wellbeing team promoted Wear it Purple day which is the Annual LGBTIQA+ awareness day on Friday 28 August. This was well supported in classes and photos can be viewed in this newsletter. On Wednesday 2 September we celebrated National Health and PE day with many MGSC team members participated in an online workout to start the day. All of the events promote student engagement and wellbeing which is something I am particularly proud of and our school is known for in the wider community. RU OK Day is next week so please keep an eye out for another key MGSC event.
I would like to thank all of the staff and students who sent Linda Brown kind messages of support following the sudden passing of her husband. It is times like these that our community shines. Linda is slowly resuming her Principal duties however I am sure you will be mindful of not overloading her. Please continue to contact me should you need to.
At the time of writing this article we are still no closer to news about when on-site learning will resume. We look forward to welcoming our staff and students back on campus. Until then, stay safe, follow health advice, take care of each other and let us know if we can be of any assistance. Our students remain our priority.
Kind regards
Carol Duggan
Assistant Principal