St Raphael's School

Issue 12 · 04 Aug 2021

In this issue

Principal News School Enrolment Agreement, School Closure Day, Parent Volunteers and Parent Induction Training Sessions, Parade College Soccer Academy, School Fees
RE News Sacrament of Reconciliation &                   First Eucharist, 2021, Saint Mary of the Cross
Literacy Benchmark Assessment System, Meet Michael Salmon..., Let's go on a Literacy Scavenger Hunt...
Mathematics Spotlight on: Multiplication , Maths Warm-Ups To Try At Home
Student Wellbeing The Benefits of School Camps for Students, Looking forward to the next camp!!!!!!
Learning Diversity NCCD (National Consistent Collection of Data)
  Foundation News Fun Friday Olympics, Celebrating 100 Days at School! , At Home Maths , Important Dates , Week 5 & 6 Learning Intentions, Week 5 & 6 Timetable, Staff Contacts
Year 1/2 News Celebrating Saint Mary MacKillop , Farewell Miss Pitt, Changes to Library, At Home Maths Activity, Week 5 & 6 Learning Intentions, Week 5 & 6 Timetables, Important Dates, Staff Contacts
Year 3/4 News Fun Friday Olympics, CAMP WYUNA 2021, At Home Maths, Week 5 & 6 Learning Intentions, Week 5 & 6 Timetables, Important Dates, Staff Contacts
Year 5/6 News  Celebrating the Olympics! , Synthesising , Problem-Based Learning (PBL), At Home Maths, Weekly Timetables , Week 5 & 6 Learning Intentions, Upcoming Dates, Staff Contact Details
SPICE Talking Together-What Families Can Do at Home, Handy Hints When Talking, Playgroup Returns
Information Technology Returning of devices from Home Online Learning, Reminders of our ICT Policy
Library News
Physical Education Inter School Soccer, Athletics Training, Jump Rope For Heart Testing
Visual Arts Foundation, Year 1/2 , Year 3/4, Year 5/6
Student Birthdays Birthdays
Community News Parade College News, Santa Maria College Enrolments
Uniform Shop
Dates to Remember Term 3/2021, Term 4/ 2021

Published by St Raphael's School