Year 1/2 News

Celebrating Saint Mary MacKillop
This week Year 1/2 are learning about Mary MacKillop and the impact she had on the lives of young children. We watched a video teaching us all about the life of Mary MacKillop. We discussed why Mary became our first Australian saint and spoke about different historical facts about her life. We hope the students share the facts they have learnt about Saint Mary MacKillop with you!
Farewell Miss Pitt
We farewell Miss Pitt at the end of this week. We thank her for being a fabulous teacher in 1/2C and wish her and her family all the best with the up and coming birth of her baby girl. We will all miss you Miss Pitt!
Changes to Library
There has been a slight change to our weekly timetable. Please note that 1/2P and 1/2B will now need to bring their library books each Friday. 1/2C and 1/2JM will continue to borrow on Monday.
At Home Maths Activity
- Measuring with Objects – Make measuring fun by using different items to measure with. Find items around the home, and measure with informal units (like marbles or blocks). How many marbles tall are you? How many blocks would it take to measure the length of your couch?
- Order and Compare with Length - Compare everyday objects, ordering by length from largest to smallest (or smallest to largest). Check these lengths by measuring with an object (e.g. blocks).
Week 5 & 6 Learning Intentions
Week 5 & 6 Timetables
Important Dates
Wednesday 4th August - Year 1/2 Mass
Tuesday 17th August - Whole School Closure
Staff Contacts
Jackie Moloney
Melanie Pizzonia
Bella Sullivan-Barry
Paige Frazer
Carmel Pitt
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm