Information Technology

Shane Giese

Returning of devices from Home Online Learning

Can all parents and children please have a thorough look at home to see if you have any devices that belong to St. Raphael's.  From our previous lockdowns, we are still missing several Chromebooks and chargers.  If you do find either, can you please return the device or charger to school and hand them to the Homeroom teacher, or to Lynette in the Front Office.  

Reminders of our ICT Policy

Several months ago, a post went out regarding the ICT Policy and upholding what was signed and agreed upon by all students.

As a 'Termly' reminder, can all parents and children re-read this policy (located on Operoo) so you are all aware about the importance of being responsible online users. 


A few points in the policy which have been reiterated to the Staff and the students this Term are written below.  As a staff, we are noticing at times that some behaviours can creep in that do not adhere to the ICT Policy such as using messenger applications to contact parents or friends without teacher supervision.  Please see Point 3 if a student is caught doing this without teacher approval and supervision. 

Below are four other points taken from the ICT agreement that we will focus on as a school: 

  1.  All students and teachers must seek permission (verbal / written) from individuals involved before taking photos, recording sound or videoing them (including teachers). 
  2. Students must be respectful in the photos taken or video captured and never use these as a tool for bullying. 
  3. Students must not contact anyone (parents / guardians / friends) using a phone or mobile device during school hours. If a student needs to make contact, they must ask a teacher to go to the front office / reception and use the school telephone. Inappropriate use will result in confiscation of the device and taken to the front office where a parent or guardian must sign to collect at the end of the school day.  
  4. The Privacy Act says that the posting and sharing of information online or in any other way requires consent.

If any parents/ guardians or students have any questions or need clarification on the ICT Agreement or acceptable use of ICT, please send an email to