
Sacrament of Reconciliation & First Eucharist, 2021
Parent/Child Information Workshop - Wednesday 11th August at 7 pm
Initiation & Commitment Mass -Saturday 14th August at 6 pm or Sunday 12th September at 10.30 am
Dear Parents of First Eucharist Communicants,
The faith formation instructional lessons for the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) and First Eucharist have commenced. Therefore, we will be proceeding with the Sacramental Parent Information Workshop and Initiation/Commitment Mass for all children and their families who will receive First Reconciliation and First Eucharist in 2021.
This year as part of your child’s preparation for the Sacramental Program, we require all students receiving the Sacrament of First Eucharist to attend with their parent/s Parent/Child Information Evening onsite at St Raphael on Wednesday 11th August at 7 pm. The information session will be held in the school hall, and entry will be via the Cooper Street gate entrance. Alternatively, if restrictions do not lift, a ‘Zoom’ session will take its place.
The evening will focus on the importance of the Sacrament and our commitment as Catholics to continue on a faith-filled journey that you initiated at your child’s baptism.
In preparation for and as part of the commitment to receiving this Sacrament, students will be attending a weekly Mass during school hours.
In addition to these weekly school masses, all Year 4 students will need to commit to attending at least three-weekend parish masses on either Saturday evenings at 6 pm or Sunday mornings at 10:30 am and be accompanied by a family member.
The first of these three-weekend parish masses will be the Sacramental Initiation & Commitment Mass held on either Saturday 14th August at 6 pm or Sunday 12th September at 10.30 am (Families will choose which weekend service they wish to attend). All students receiving the Sacrament must attend either mass service with a family member. The students will need to sign in acknowledging their attendance at each of the three-weekend masses in the lead up to the First Eucharist celebration.
As we continue adhering to and following the Victorian Government directives, Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne liturgical guidelines and Catholic Education Melbourne Covidsafe guidelines, we will send out attendance forms via your child's google classroom and QR code check-in upon arrival on the day.
As attendance restrictions continue to apply for religious gatherings, a limit on the number of attendees per family will apply. We ask that only one parent and child will be required to attend the weekend parish masses before the First Eucharist celebration.
Sacrament of First Reconciliation
The Sacrament of First Reconciliation will occur in the church during school hours on Friday 20th August at 10 am.
Sacrament of First Eucharist
The First Eucharist ceremony will be held in St Raphael's Parish Church, with restrictions on the number of attendees per family. We can only allow each communicant/student 5 guests (inclusive of parents, siblings, or grandparents). This limit on numbers must be respected and adhered to by all families. At the time of the celebration, if the restrictions remain at a two square metre distance, only 300 people may gather for the liturgical celebration. If the square metre rule decreases, then changes will be made accordingly.
We will continue to communicate any changes per the COVID-19 guidelines set by the government in the weeks ahead.
Saint Mary of the Cross
On August 8th of each year, we remember and celebrate the Feast Day of Australia's first saint- St Mary of the Cross (Mary MacKillop).
Background Information.
Mary MacKillop was born in Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, on 15 January 1842.
She was the eldest of eight children. Her family struggled financially and, from the age of 14, Mary needed to work to help support the family. In 1860, she went to Penola in South Australia to be governess to her uncle’s children. She spoke with the local priest, Fr Julian Tennison Woods, about her desire to become a nun and together, they dreamed of starting a religious group.
Six years later, on 19 March 1866 (St Joseph’s Day), Mary wore a plain black dress to signify that she had begun to live a Religious life. Within two years, 120 women had joined the Religious Institute. They took on the work of educating children in small parish schools and caring for orphans and needy women. Little did Fr Woods and Mary know what was to spring from so small a beginning. These ‘Josephite’ Sisters walked the streets to visit the poor and lived in twos and threes in rented houses in isolated areas or city slums. The Sisters lived and shared their possessions as equals.
Mary overcame many obstacles to follow her dream, but she never lost hope. Mary’s motto was ‘never see a need without trying to do something about it.’ Her life reveals to us a compassionate God, a God of love. Her actions acknowledged the human dignity of each person. Her life speaks to Australians, in a unique way, of the message of God’s love for all, especially for the ‘underdog’ and the ‘battler.’ As Australia’s first canonised saint, she embodies all that is best in our Australian nation and its people.
Below is a scanned copy of the life story of Mary MacKillop. You may like to read as a family this picture storybook about her life. Included is a fact sheet that your child/children may like to complete. They are more than welcome to bring it to school and share their knowledge with their peer's, teachers and me-Mrs Squarci. Within our parent community, you may have been taught by the Josephite order- The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart.