Beaumaris Secondary College Newsletter

Belong. Believe. Become

Issue 3 · 07 Mar 2023

In this issue

Principal's Report Year 12 Formal, School Office Hours
2023 Student Leaders College Captains, Senior Executive, Year Level Captains, CORE Learning Area Leaders, Performing Arts Captains, Debating Captains, Year 7 GOAL/House Leaders, Year 8 GOAL/House Leaders , Year 9 GOAL/House Leaders, Year 10 GOAL/House Leaders, Year 11 GOAL/House Leaders, Year 12 GOAL/House Leaders, ICT Champions, Logistics Team, Student Wellbeing Action Group
Call for Assorted Items
Spiny Leaf Insects Need a Home!
Call for Library Volunteers Call Out for Parent Volunteers to Help Cover our Library Books
Careers & Pathways Updates Structured Workplace Learning Opportunities, Apprenticeship Opportunities, Deakin Careers Practitioners Day – March 2023, Other Tertiary updates
BSC Twilight Festival
Wellbeing Matters Year 8 Wellbeing Day - Friday 17 March, Our Therapy Dog, Resilient Parent - FREE Webinar, School Refusal
Y7/8 Lunchtime Activities
Y9/10 ARTiculate
Y9/10 BEST Year 9 & 10 Cooking with Chemistry, Snorkelling Excursions to Ricketts Point 
Year 9/10 The Great Outdoors Wilsons Promontory
Unit 3/4 Biology
Unit 3/4 Media Excursion to Gravity Media
Inter-school Debating
Year 12 Formal Inaugural Year 12 Formal
Sports News Intermediate Girls Cricket
Student Success 2023 Pat Cash Cup Champions!
ASD Workshops
Secondary School Immunisation Program What is the Secondary school immunisation program?, HPV vaccine schedule change 2023, Key messages for parents/guardians
Lost Property
Employment Opportunities
Key Dates 2023
In the Community Home Energy Efficiency Expo 
BSC Facebook Page Please ‘Like' us on Facebook and stay connected! , BELONG | BELIEVE | BECOME

Published by Beaumaris Secondary College