Unit 3/4 Media

Excursion to Gravity Media

On Tuesday 21 February the Unit 3/4 Media team headed to Gravity Media for an incredible opportunity not afforded to many school students. Our hosts were incredible as we:

  • toured several sound stages where various films are created
  • explained how a studio TV show is produced
  • gave the students opportunities to produce a couple of 1 minute shows where they each had a role in the production of the show
  • watched an episode of Hot Seat being filmed

Our hosts, led by Sarah Wood, went above and beyond in organising for the students time to be in a TV studio and giving them an opportunity to use a range of equipment. Many thanks to Sarah, Charlie, Jess, Shane and Rick who all devoted time to us out of their busy schedule. 


This left the students buzzing all afternoon for they learnt so many things that cannot be replicated in the classroom. Our time there was greatly appreciated by everyone who attended!


Mr Josh Slocum
