Spiny Leaf Insects Need a Home!

Kai – Wildlife Care Team
Kai – Wildlife Care Team

Our stick insect eggs have been busily hatching and consequently we have a little too many insects in our enclosures. If you are interested in welcoming a couple into your home, all you need is an enclosure, a spray bottle of water and a regular supply of Eucalyptus leaves. We have varying ages so some will look smaller than the one in the photo!


You are welcome to contact me if you have any questions or come in and see our setup.  Below is a link to some information on caring for Spiny Leaf Insects as a guide.


Please email permission for your child to bring insects home to natasha.burgess@education.vic.gov.au 

Include student’s first name and surname please, to avoid any confusion!

Natasha Burgess

Laboratory Technician